dinsdag 2 februari 2016


Imbolc is the first of the spring festivals, yet it is mid winter. It is celebrated on the 1st or 2nd of februari. From my own experience the month of february can be actually the coldest winter month. But nature is now slowly awakening. In our garden the Tomasini's Crocus or Woodland Crocus is popping up and will soon be flowering. We also have some Snowdrops popping up. Some hardy winter-type weeds are slowly developing too. And our Birch tree is starting to get the stream of sap flowing. This is not visible unless a branch is cut, then the wound is "bleeding", as gardeners say. This sap stream is an unstoppable process, even with frost it keeps on going - as i have experienced in my own ork as a gardener. The changing of the seasons will proceed, even when the weather is bad and nature has to be on hold for a little bit longer. Only the Crocuses and Snowdrops don't seem to care about the weather and go on no matter what. If only they could wait a bit longer for better weather, then they could show their beauty longer. Now in february the wind and rain will make them lie down on the ground as soon as the flowers open. Still, they do announce the coming spring, despite being beaten down by the winter weather.

I'm looking forward to seeing our garden full of growth again, the new seeds coming to life, seeds from the plants from last year's summer, which died in the autumn. In my own garden i can witness the cycle of life happening.  


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