woensdag 9 december 2015

Washing up.

I just finished the washing up. It wasn't a daily chore, or that it had to be done because there was nothing to cook in, eat of or eat with, but just because i felt like it. Doesn't happen much. The washing up or that i feel like it. Sometimes, and that is more then that it is at times, the kitchen looks like a battle field. And it feels like it. But that's life. We live, we are made to live. We are not made to wash up. There are better and more important things in life. There's my wife, there are the dogs, there's playmobil, there are books to read. There is so much more and better things to do besides washing up. But this time i just felt like it. At the same time it gave me time to think of what to write for this blog post. And there's a reward afterwards, drinking beer with my wife and enjoy some snacks and have a good conversation. And that's living. I love living.

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